New Patients
These links contain handy information on your appointment. If it is your first time with us, please complete the online patient information form and email it to us before your consultation.
Our staff may ask you certain questions regarding your eye complaint beforehand. This will assist us in determining how urgent you need to be seen. Referral letters from GPs or optometrists, if available, are also very helpful in this regard.
Since the retina forms a substantial part of our practice, we often need to dilate the pupils. This allows us to diagnose, treat and monitor retinal diseases. Please note that the drops cause temporary blurry vision which lasts from three to eight hours. It is therefore important to bring a driver along on these visits, as you will not be able to drive afterwards. Please contact us beforehand if you are unsure if you will need dilatation.
If you belong to a medical aid, please bring your card along on your first visit. Please note that certain medical aids charge a basic co-payment for specialist consultations.
Please feel free to contact us beforehand to get a cost estimate for a consultation if you are a private patient or should your medical aid be depleted.